Pos Free Photo Editor is a free photo editor from the authors of the best free professional photo editing software in the market - "Photo Pos Pro photo editor". This photo editing software is simple and very user friendly photo editor, that lets you easily view, enhance and add frames to your photos. The photo editor supports the major graphic formats and is very intuitive to work with without any "headaches" - It was especially designed for novices as for the short learning curve.
The software also includes great photo frames tool and advanced but very easy to use multiple image printing tool, that allows you to easily print multiple images on a single page or paper in various ways and effects. It also helps you saving on expensive paper.
Pos Free Photo Editor 1.50 was released by PowerOfSoftware Ltd. on Thursday 22 August 2013. Its known requirements are : Windows XP/Vista, 64MB ram, 800 x 600 screen resolution.
Pos Free Photo Editor will run on Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Starter, Windows Vista Ultimate and WinXP.